Me and my hubby

Me and my hubby

Monday, September 29, 2008

And So It Begins

Well, after some encouragement from friends and my own personal enjoyment of reading other blogs, I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and start my own blog! Most of you know that I love to scrapbook and love taking pictures, so this will be another way for me to create memoirs of our life!

So not that I don't already feel like I am getting older, I had even more of a reality check this weekend with the kids. So get this...Blake had a referee clinic out at Idaho Ice World Friday and Saturday, so I had the kids. Friday night, I was feeding Little Sarah and Brandon dinner (PB&J - I know - very gourmet!) and I had to give Maddie (my dog aka cash cow) her monthly allergy shot. Being observant, Brandon was telling me how the kids at school use their mechanical pencils to pretend they are giving shots. Trying to contribute to this dialogue, I explained that we did that too when we were kids. So Brandon, with a very inquisitive look on his face, asks, "you mean they had mechanical pencils when you were a kid?!?" I replied, half in shock, but mostly appauled, "are you serious?!!!!, of course we had mechanical pencils when I was a kid, I think my grandfather had mechanical pencils when he was a kid!!" I immediately had to call my mother and let her know what had just transpired. She of course laughed hysterically and then said "and so it begins"...


Vultair said...

Well, when I was a kid, I had to get up and walk to the TV to change the channel. :) I also had to walk uphill, bothways, to school in the snow. Boots weren't invented yet, so we used pine needles and created our own insulation. Figure that one out.

Angela said...

Do you remember the saying, "You are only as old as you feel." Ya right, I feel like I'm in my 20's but when I'm around kids today I feel like an old lady. I don't even get carded anymore. I thought they are supposed to check until you look 35+. So how old DO I look?

By the way, I can see you getting VERY addicted to blogging. I sure am!

Kelly said...

Yeah! I'm so excited that you're doing this! I will love keeping up with you this way, since I'm not great at calling or e-mailing! Your story cracked me up, too! Brian and I were just talking about that very same thing, b/c in our blog's latest post I put something about him and his best friend competing with each other for almost 25 years, and he was saying "I feel like I'm barely OLDER than 25, let alone having competed with David for 25 years!!!" Time flies! Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Brandon is sooooooo funny. I remember thinking things like that when I was his age.

I too remember giving my self shots, I probably though that I was the one that invented the mechanical pencil shot gag.

I do remember only liking .05 pencils, I never liked the .07 ones, they were too fat.


Congrats on the blog, it will be fun to see what is going on. I will try to get better at blogging too.

Meechelee said...

Welcome to blogging Sarah! I love your first post, too funny! You are still young Jacob will realize that when he gets a little older.
I used to think my parents were so old until I got older and saw how they took care of themselves and stayed young!
Kids say the funniest things. Eli came up to me at church and in front of a bunch of people asked how the baby in my tummy was doing, I'm not pregnant. I told him there was no baby and he then said "Mommy your tummy is HUGE!" Haha, this coming after working so hard to lose weight.

Patti said...

I will never forget the first time anyone ever made me feel really old. I was 28 years old and had a mentally challenged 23-year old college student with me. An elderly lady (not so nice) asked me if I was the mother. It haunted me for years! At least Brandon doesn't think you are older than dirt! Great Blog site, Sarah!

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